The Ultimate Friends With Benefits Blueprint

There’s a different between casual sex hook ups and friends with benefits. This difference goes largely unnoticed among people who are just looking to have a good time. But the fact it, however subtle that difference might be, it’s still there. That difference is that most casual sex hook ups are done with people you don’t plan on seeing again. They are one time relations that are fun for everyone involved but end when the night ends. When both people agree that it’s something they’d like to do again, it becomes a friends with benefits situation. Friends with benefits see each other over and over for those same fun relations. The problem is that with seeing the same person over and over, you may find it’s far easier to get attached.

This is a guide to help all you UK players keep your feelings separate from just having a good time. Both men and women fall victim to this, so pay attention!

1. Surrender To Those Moments

Instead of wondering, just surrender. Don’t consider if your casual relationship is turning into something more. Focus on what you’re both there for – great sex. There’s a good chance that if you have to consider what the relationship is that it’s already become something more than casual. Most casual relationships stay that way and it doesn’t need to be addressed. In UK, there is no shortage of partners, so it’s easy to find someone new.

2. Know Yourself

IF you’re not already in touch with your deepest thoughts and desires, it’s a good time to start. You may be looking for a future wife and not even know it. All your casual hook ups could be compared to a list of ideal traits you didn’t even know you had made. Subconsciously, we all have our “ideals” – this is traits we’d like to see in our future significant others. Just because you’re looking for something casual right now doesn’t mean you always will be. If that is a thought in the back of your head, you may end up getting attached to a friend with benefits. You have to know what you want. You have to look deep down, not just on the surface. You have to know you’re ready and capable for a friends with benefits relationship with your UK beauty.

3. Reasoning Is Everything

Following the last point, ask yourself why you’re looking for a friends with benefits arrangement: Did you recently get out of relationship? Were you lonely but felt unprepared for the next romance? Were you looking for something to pass the time? If you answered yes to any of those points, you’re in for the wrong reasons. People who are looking for friends with benefits are just looking for a good time, without having to make multiple connections. They don’t want the risks of going to multiple people and instead find themselves attracted to just one. This is the right reason to get involved in a friends with benefits arrangement – convenient fun in UK.

4. Use Your Communication

Finally, you need to communication with your friends with benefits partner. Especially if you feel like it’s shifted from something casual. Now, your partner may feel the same. If your partner does feel the same you can consider turning it into a real relationship and establish a whole new set of boundaries. But, it’s more likely your partner will be confused by this conversation. If that’s the case, it’s time that you both find someone else more suiting to your needs.

The long story made a little shorter is that if you develop emotional attachments easily, friends with benefits is a bad idea. You can try casual hook ups. The emotional attachment might only develop over periods of seeing the same person repeatedly. You may not have the same issue if those relations only last one night. Or, maybe you should sign up to a real UK dating site and find a real relationship.